fab PLA Wood
fab PLA Wood
fab PLA Wood
fab PLA Wood
fab PLA Wood
fab PLA Wood
fab PLA Wood
fab PLA Wood
fab PLA Wood
fab PLA Wood
fab PLA Wood
fab PLA Wood
fab PLA Wood
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fab PLA Wood

Unlock the infinite design possibilities with this exotic filament. The fab PLA Wood, is a PLA-based composite 3D printer filament – specially formulated, where 40% of the formula is made from recycled wood fibres and 60% being recycled PLA. As the name suggests, Wood PLA filament provides a realistic wood colour, finish and even smell.

₹ 1,199.00
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  • 1.75 MM
  • 1 KG SPOOL
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Printing Advice




Dimensional accuracy High
Material costs Low
Strength High
Flexibility Low
Heat resistance Low
Chemical resistance Low
Fatigue resistance Medium
Water resistance Medium
Density 1.24g/cm3
Heat Distortion Temperature (HDT) @0.45MPa 55° C
Ultimate tensile strength (N/mm2) 55.36 @100% Infill

Printing Advice

1. Extruder Temperature
We recommend an extruder temperature of 200°C for PLA.

2. Bed Temperature
While PLA/PLA+ can be printed on an unheated bed, for best results we recommend and a bed temp of between 50°C - 60°C. If poor adhesion is an issue, print the first two layers ONLY with the bed at 65°C (and 60°C for every subsequent layer).

3. Fan Control & Minimum Layer Time
PLA prints best when rapidly cooled with the aid of your extruder's fan. This will ensure a clean, crisp layers with neat details. For the best surface resolution possible, set the extruder fan speed to 100%.

4. Retraction
We recommend starting with a retraction speed of between 30-80mm/s and a retraction distance of Between 2-5 mm for a Bowden setup or 1-2mm for a direct drive printer.

5. Build Plate Adhesion
While PLA is less prone to warping compared to other materials, even PLA can use a little extra help sticking to the bed sometimes.

6. Print Slower
With proper fan cooling, PLA can achieve blistering print speeds. We've found that printing at 50mm/s or slower yields great results.

7. Keep Filament Dry
PLA is prone to absorbing moisture from the air when left out in the open. When left out in a non-airtight environment, PLA will begin to become brittle and snap when uncoiled, causing loading and feeding issues. When printing wet filament, small bubbles can also appear on the skin of your print marring an otherwise smooth surface as. In severe cases, steam and small popping noises can be noticed exiting the nozzle when printing. Finally printing with wet PLA also results in weaker 3D printed parts overall with as wet PLA forms weaker interlayer bond between each print layer of your 3D printed part. Fortunately, wet filament can be rescued by dehydrating it in an oven at 60°c for 12 hours or by storing the filament in a container with ample amounts of desiccant for 1-5 days.

8. With certain wood filaments, using different extruder temperatures will produce slightly different colors for the final printed part. Using this effect, you can setup different temperatures for different layers of your print in Simplify3D to create a realistic grain pattern on the surface of the printed part.

9. Due to the added wood particles in this plastic, standard 0.35 or 0.4mm nozzles can be challenging. The particles have a tendency to clump near the nozzle orifice, causing inconsistent extrusion or partial clogs. We recommend using a 0.5mm or larger diameter nozzle, as this significantly reduces the chances of clogging. It may also be a good idea to clear your nozzle regularly to remove any partial clumps that may have formed within the nozzle.


1. Household decorations
2. Sculptures
3. Toys and promotional items
4. Building Models
5. Cosplay props
6. Miniatures

Technical Data Sheet

Material Safety Data Sheet


Dimensional accuracy High
Material costs Low
Strength High
Flexibility Low
Heat resistance Low
Chemical resistance Low
Fatigue resistance Medium
Water resistance Medium
Density 1.24g/cm3
Heat Distortion Temperature (HDT) @0.45MPa 55° C
Ultimate tensile strength (N/mm2) 55.36 @100% Infill

Printing advice

1. Extruder Temperature
We recommend an extruder temperature of 200°C for PLA.

2. Bed Temperature
While PLA/PLA+ can be printed on an unheated bed, for best results we recommend and a bed temp of between 50°C - 60°C. If poor adhesion is an issue, print the first two layers ONLY with the bed at 65°C (and 60°C for every subsequent layer).

3. Fan Control & Minimum Layer Time
PLA prints best when rapidly cooled with the aid of your extruder's fan. This will ensure a clean, crisp layers with neat details. For the best surface resolution possible, set the extruder fan speed to 100%.

4. Retraction
We recommend starting with a retraction speed of between 30-80mm/s and a retraction distance of Between 2-5 mm for a Bowden setup or 1-2mm for a direct drive printer.

5. Build Plate Adhesion
While PLA is less prone to warping compared to other materials, even PLA can use a little extra help sticking to the bed sometimes.

6. Print Slower
With proper fan cooling, PLA can achieve blistering print speeds. We've found that printing at 50mm/s or slower yields great results.

7. Keep Filament Dry
PLA is prone to absorbing moisture from the air when left out in the open. When left out in a non-airtight environment, PLA will begin to become brittle and snap when uncoiled, causing loading and feeding issues. When printing wet filament, small bubbles can also appear on the skin of your print marring an otherwise smooth surface as. In severe cases, steam and small popping noises can be noticed exiting the nozzle when printing. Finally printing with wet PLA also results in weaker 3D printed parts overall with as wet PLA forms weaker interlayer bond between each print layer of your 3D printed part. Fortunately, wet filament can be rescued by dehydrating it in an oven at 60°c for 12 hours or by storing the filament in a container with ample amounts of desiccant for 1-5 days.

8. With certain wood filaments, using different extruder temperatures will produce slightly different colors for the final printed part. Using this effect, you can setup different temperatures for different layers of your print in Simplify3D to create a realistic grain pattern on the surface of the printed part.

9. Due to the added wood particles in this plastic, standard 0.35 or 0.4mm nozzles can be challenging. The particles have a tendency to clump near the nozzle orifice, causing inconsistent extrusion or partial clogs. We recommend using a 0.5mm or larger diameter nozzle, as this significantly reduces the chances of clogging. It may also be a good idea to clear your nozzle regularly to remove any partial clumps that may have formed within the nozzle.


1. Household decorations
2. Sculptures
3. Toys and promotional items
4. Building Models
5. Cosplay props
6. Miniatures
Technical Data Sheet
Material Safety Data Sheet